09 Apr New Toy
So much for regular updates, Yesterday I bought a timer remote for my camera and so I have been playing with Time-lapse video. While I have not yet mastered it I have been having fun learning.
The first project was shooting the mountain, I left my camera at a friends place quietly shooting away. When i returned (3 hours later) the camera was having a siesta. It was unable to focus as the setting sun was causing a lack of definition on the mountain. I put my camera on manual focus (where it should have been from the beginning) and carried on. Subsequently I have a jump in the video.
I also used the tripod centre post (to eliminate some plants) and the wind must have moved the camera slightly. Lessons learnt: Manual focus and no centre post.
Here is the video.
I then set up to shoot some short video in town, I put a new battery in the camera only to have it die after 55 shots. Lesson: make sure the camera has a fully charged battery.
So the very short video below (don’t blink)
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